A couple weeks ago I was introduced to a cosmetics brand that was new to me, Make-up Pro. All their products are made in New York as well as paraben free, gluten free, and cruelty free. I am a self-proclaimed makeup junky so was ecstatic for the chance to try something new. Years of having girlfriends (and guy friends) who are makeup artists didn't just increase my love for products, it made me especially discerning about the ones I use.

Clockwise from top right: Mascara in Waterproof Black, Camouflage Cover Creme in Sunlit Beige, Eye Pencil in Navy, Liquid Black Eyeliner, Sun Gold Eyeshadow, Lip Lacquer in Party Girl, Lip Lacquer in Too Sweet, Anti-Oxidant Eye Base with Sunscreen, No Shine Translucent Matting Powder
When I received the products I did a quick unboxing on Instagram and told everyone I would give a product review. I immediately was most excited to try the Lip Lacquer (one of their best sellers). I received two colors, Party Girl (pink) and Take Me Out (nude), and did a swatch of each (below) which were both beautiful with great pigmentation. Next I checked out the eyeliner and immediately said a big YES! Everyone who is a liquid eyeliner user knows how difficult it can be to get that wing juuust right, and we all have a certain type of applicator we prefer. This looked like the one! I was now more excited about this than the lip lacquer!

Party Girl, Take Me Out
As every makeup wearer knows, you cannot really say how well you like a product until you've seen how it wears after a full day. Quick parameters--I put my makeup on at 8:30am, had coffee, ran a ton of errands all day, had lunch in between, dinner around 6:30pm, and removed my makeup at 10:00pm. You are getting a full day's worth of wear here people!

Right after applying my makeup
I started with the primer, which is something I never do because I kiiiinda think primers are a fraud. Maybe not for everyone, but I've never found one that actually made any difference. That is, until now. This was the silkiest thing ever, and felt so smooth on my skin. I used the same foundation I typically use. Full disclosure, my skin is super dry but it has been the worst lately. Changing weather, a trip to the desert, and flying have reeked havoc on my skin, yet it already didn't look as dry as it had been.
On your most basic makeup day what, if anything, do you still not like to leave home without wearing? For me it's concealer. I am quite particular because I have some serious bags so when I find one I like I never deviate from it. However, this coverage was great. The applicator is smaller than others, which actually was good for me because I tend to be slightly heavy handed. I applied the matting powder to set my under eye, which as the day progressed didn't crease. I also usually use my concealer on my eyelids, but since I had the eye primer I used that. It created a really nice, smooth base to apply the Sun Gold eyeshadow, which has a slight shimmer and a gorgeous tone to it. Lastly, I applied the mascara, which I found to really separate my lashes.
Time for the true test...the eyeliner. I crossed my fingers and said a quiet prayer to the makeup Gods, 'Don't let me down!!' Here's why I care so much. I have really shaky hands, like, bad. It's beyond frustrating and a total pain for 80% of everything I have to do in life but it's particularly awful when it comes to anything requiring fine detail. You got it, eyeliner can be my nemesis. I find if my liner doesn't have a flexible tip it's not even worth the frustration. I also want my black to be as dark as night because if I have to go back over it I'll never be able to do the same line and everything quickly becomes a sloppy mess--so this stuff better go on super black the first time! Guess what? This liner was everything I have ever wanted any liner to be! The cherry on top, when I removed my makeup that evening it easily came off with a makeup wipe.
Lastly, what I was told I would love, the lip lacquer. I wore Party Girl and looooved the color. It went on incredibly pigmented with ease and even though I didn't use any lip liner, didn't bleed. Also, it wasn't sticky!! Now for the million dollar question, how did it wear? Well, I'll say this: between 8:30am and 10:00pm I only reapplied once!!
Let's really talk about this. I had my coffee. It hadn't moved. I ran errands and ate lunch. It ever-so lightly faded but not enough to even need reapplying. I did a minor touchup around 4pm before I took the first photo on this page. At 10pm when I was finally removing my makeup it was still on!!!
Done. Sold. I want this stuff in every single color, it's that good.

End of the day
So, my thoughts? I think it's pretty obvious I am such a fan! I would like to try more of their shadows and am kicking myself for not giving their blush a try. Their lip lacquer is AMAZING (I have since tried Take Me Out and am equally impressed) and I cannot say enough good things about the liquid liner, it is the only one I have used since getting it.
Makeup-Pro's online store will be up by the end of this year, at the latest. If you're in New York, you can shop in store at 365 Broome Street or by calling 212.226.2960.